Registration Fees are in Euros and should be paid in this currency.
If you want to check the amount in your currency, please click on the icon below:

*for Integrated Health, Residents and Students a certification should be uploaded during the online registration
**limited to 12 participants
Registration fee includes:
– Admission to scientific sessions
– Conference badge and kit
– Certificate of attendance
– Coffee breaks and lunches
In order to register, please, click on the button below and select the Registration of your choice.
– Credit card
(Visa or Mastercard)
– Bank transfer
Beneficiary: MCM srl
Bank: Banca Cariparma, Agency 586 – Via Chiaia, 110 – 80121 Napoli
ABI 06230; CAB 03535; CIN G; SWIFT CODE: CRPPIT2P586
IBAN CODE: IT74G0623003535000063346465
In case of payment by bank transfer you are kindly requested to register online selecting as way of payment “Bank transfer”. You will receive an email confirming your request of registration but, in order to validate it, you are kindly requested to send evidence of payment to the Organizing Secretariat by e-mail within 5 days. Please indicate on the payment description the participant’s Family Name and the Registration number.
If payment is not made by 5 days, your registration will be automatically cancelled.
The invoice for registration will be issued with the personal details of the registered participant.
In case the invoice should be released to another subject (Institution, Company, University) please do not forget to click on the “EDIT DETAILS” button which will appear in the section “BILLING AND PAYMENT” of the online form and to edit the correct invoice data.
If an invoice has been made out to a participant, it can no longer be changed and made out to another subject.
Notification of cancellation must be made in writing to the MCM srl.
The cancellation will be accepted within 01/02/2022. Up to this date the total amount will be refunded less 30,00 € for the cancellation of the registration, there will be no refund for the bank charges.
No refund will be made for cancellations received after the 10/02/2022.
All refunds will be processed after the end of the Congress.